Photo by Vlad Cheu021ban on

A few weekends ago we had a winter storm roll through. In the scheme of things, it really was not a severe storm. I mean we have seen some bad ones. Yet at 12:30 PM just after my husband came home from work, we heard a loud boom and our power was out. We have had power outages during the Spring and Summer but never a Winter outage.

Immediately I pulled extra quilts out and put them over the kids.  Stephen went out to the shop and started a fire in the small stove. We would be able to stay warm in there if the house temp dropped. Thankfully it did not and with in two hours the power was restored.

This had me thinking about other natural disasters. Would I be able to sustain the lives of my family if we were faced with something more extreme? While there are so many unknowns when faced with these events that often come without warning there are some items that can be put together that will aid in surviving whatever scenario is thrown at us and ease the recovery process.

It is recommended having enough supplies to last at least 72 hours. Therefor the first step is to think about storage. Designate a space that will store all the essentials needed for an emergency.  Now I am not going all Dooms Day Prepper on you. No, I do not think digging a bunker will be necessary. However, you do want a space that is visible and easy to get to.

Next let’s talk food and water.  FEMA recommends storing at least a 2-week supply of water. The minimum recommendation is 1 gallon per person per day for three days.  Food can be tricky. You need food with a long shelf life with simple prepping instructions. If you are stranded at home, you should have a 2 week supply and a 3 day supple per person if you are evacuating.

In your Emergency Disaster Preparedness (EDP) kit, include a flashlight and a radio. If battery operated include extra batteries. I recommend investing in a hand-crank radio that way you can save the batteries for the flashlights. Also, a multi-purpose tool that can address different needs you might have. At the end of this article you will find a list of other useful items to add to you EDP kit.

Stock up on sanitation and personal hygiene items to include in your EDP. Be sure to have a first aid kit and medications and medical items that might be needed by you or family members.

If you have an infant or small child think about what they might need. Bottles, formula, baby food, diapers, wipes. But also think about games and activities for the children. Consider a coloring book or notebook and or a small travel game. And do not forget their favorite stuffie or sleepy toy. These will provide comfort in a stressing time.

Also think about compiling a grab and go EDP binder that includes important documents. This binder would include family and emergency contact information, medication list and pertinent medical information such as an advanced medical directive. Include proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates and marriage certificate. Do not forget insurance policies for home car and health. Driver’s license, state id and social security cards should be accessible and a map of the area. A copy of your will and power of attorney. Lastly include a current photo of everyone in the household.

And don’t forget your furry friends. Be sure to pack supplies for you pets and include any important vet and medical papers in your binder. Also include a photo of them so that if separated, you can identify them.

Other items to include in your EDP kit cell phone with chargers, manual can opener, whistle, N95 or surgical masks, matches, rain gear, towels, work gloves, plastic sheeting, duct tape, scissors and household liquid bleach (basic non scented). Also include blanket and extra clothes for each person, along with sturdy shoes.

Do you have a EDP Kit? If so would you add anything to the list?

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