Hi guys – November started our journey with Prayers of the Bible where we look at the prayers found in scripture. We started with Genesis 4:26. It is throughout this passage that we find prayer becoming a way to distinguish ourselves from those who are Godless, through an act of worship.  

In December we will focus on the prayers found in Exodus.

Throughout Exodus we find many forms of prayers and Chapter 15 has it all worship, rebellion, judgment, and blessings.

Exodus 15 offers a prayer that starts as praise and ends with complaints. The people of Israel move from joy to bitterness. How easy is it for us to jump from praising to complaining? We need to have a posture of prayer that is filled with gratitude and joy.

As we step into December with Exodus let’s focus our hearts on finding joy regardless of the circumstances. Let’s put praising Him over the complaining to Him. And when we do feel a complaint coming on, go to Him and praise Him louder.

“Lord we want to thank you and praise you tonight. You deserve our praise.  Our hearts are filled with gratitude for what you have provided us. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are faithful in supplying all our needs. We love You and sing praise Your name.”

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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