Week 2

Isaiah shared two visions he had about a child who would come and bring about foundation hope for not only Judah but for the world. For advent this year we are looking at Isaiah 9:6.

Last week we acknowledged that he will CARE for, bring HOPE, be a source of JOY, and a “Wonderful Counselor” to all mankind. This week we will look at the second phrase “Mighty God”. Isaiah continues the description, as John Wesley put it, “glorious nature and qualities” not just mere names.

Man’s simplicity had them looking for someone to defeat the Romans with the power that David had. They could not comprehend the might that this baby would exude. He would prove to be far greater and have more might than David. It is our lack of comprehension that has some men still today believing this passage was simply announcing the birth of Hezekiah.

The word for Mighty God used in the original Hebrew, “El” is only used to reference the almighty God. Using “El” as a description sets Jesus apart from all others. His might is far superior to anyone else. Some try to simplify “El” as a leadership trait but the original Hebrew means “having or showing great power in authority or military leadership; heroic and valiant”.

Throughout Jesus’ life, we see these various characteristics that Isaiah described. As a mighty God Jesus performed many signs and wonders. His miracles testify to His power and His authority. He cast out demons and made the lame to walk and the blind to see. Jesus endured temptation and He was a heroic leader dying on the cross for us. But even more powerful than that, he rose from the dead and now sits at God’s right hand, proving his authority.

Charles Wesley wrote a prayer that he later sang it as a Christmas hymn that speaks to Christ’s might and authority granted to Him.

This has been man’s prayer for hundreds of years. You see this scripture was not announcing the birth of Hezekiah but rather Isaiah was announcing the humanity and the deity of the Lord Jesus. The one that can release us from our fears and sins. He can free us if we seek Him and let him be the sole ruler of our hearts. This baby, wonderful counselor, Mighty God, is our redemption.

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