Advent Week 3: What Child Is This: Everlasting Father

Isaiah shared two visions he had about a child who would come and bring about foundation hope for not only Judah but for the world. For advent this year we are looking at Isaiah 9:6.

In week one we acknowledged that He would CARE for, bring HOPE, be a source of JOY and a “Wonderful Counselor” to all mankind. Week 2 we see Him as a “Mighty God” and in this third week of advent he shall be called Everlasting Father.

In Isaiah’s culture names had meanings. Essentially, they were statements about the person. Isaiah used the word everlasting here to describe this child. As an adjective everlasting has many similar words according to the dictionary; perpetual, indestructible, boundless, timeless, and persistent are just a few. But as a noun everlasting simply means eternity. We are all looking for that one thing. That one eternal thing.

The use of the word “father” among the Jews means originator or source. If we want eternal life we must go to the source, Jesus. Jesus inhabits, possesses and provides eternity. The Scriptures are filled with expressions of Jesus as eternal.

ISA. 57:15

“For the highest God above,  who is and always will be, the only One who is holy has this to say: Eternal One: I live in the high and holy place, yet I am with the low, the weak, and the humble.”

PS. 72:17  
”May his name live on forever and his reputation grow for as long as the sun gives light. May people from all nations find in him a blessing; may all peoples declare him blessed.”

REV. 21:6-7 “ It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will see to it that the thirsty drink freely from the fountain of the water of life. 7 To the victors will go this inheritance: I will be their God, and they will be My children”

HEBREWS 13:8 “Jesus the Anointed One is always the same: yesterday, today, and forever.”

REV. 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, [the very beginning and the very end,][a] the One who is, the One who was, and the One who is coming: the All Powerful.”

MT. 18:8 “If your hand constantly grasps at the things of this world rather than serves the Kingdom—cut it off and throw it away. If your foot is always leading you to wander, then cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to hobble, crippled, into the kingdom of life than to burn in hell with two hands and two feet. “

JN. 1:30 “He is the One I have been saying will come after me, who existed long before me and is much greater than I am.”

Speaking about our Eternal Father Hebrews 13:5 expresses that “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I have two earthly fathers, my biological father died in 1985 when I was just 4. At the age of 37 my adopted father decided he no-longer wanted a relationship with me.

Jesus offers an unending love that will be over us both now and forever. This eternal father provides for me a life that is eternal that neither of my earthly fathers could provide. While both earthly father situations seem unfair the truth is as long as I believe I am in the hands of the Eternal Father.

John 14:19 In a little while, the world will not see Me; but I will not vanish completely from your sight. Because I live, you will also live.

As we celebrate this Christmas season let us express gratitude for the love and gift of eternal life from our Everlasting Father.

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