We moved from Kansas the summer before I started 2nd grade.  Once we got to Indiana I really did not think much on where we came from. I was so engrossed in where we were and the summer that lay before me. Not only was there a new town to discover, I would be attending a new summer camp and right before school started I would be going to a new VBS.
My world was pretty small and so when 2nd grade started I was still in the honeymoon phase of our move.  As the year progressed on I received a letter from my 1st grade teacher wanting to catch up and see how I was doing.  It was then that it hit me what was left behind.
On one of our first trips back to Pittsburg my parents took me to the house of my BFF Katie. As her father opened the door I was confused, she was not there but living with her mama in a different town. He said he was let her know that we visited.  Later my parents had to explain to me what divorce was.
I think it was on this trip that I became resistant to change. The move changed so much for me and so much changed for those I left behind. It was a big life lesson for me on that trip. Yes you can go home but life does go on.

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