When I started to do research on my ancestry I became fixated on being able to find a link to the Revolution, joining the Daughters of the Revolution was a goal. I really wanted to make that connection.
I have been working both my biological family tree and my adopted family tree at the same time.  I really have no rhyme or reason for how I search. I just pick a person and try to find as much as I can on them and their extended family.  I really need to generate a better plan of attack.
While doing this random research I discovered my connection to the Mayflower and the Revolution. I was so excited. Then I read an article that led me to contact the DAR about qualifying relatives.  Her answer burst my bubble. “Yes they have to be biological.”
So I put the DAR on the back burner for a while as I float back and forth between trees searching and discovering.
I have been spending more time on the Walker Tree lately. Through my biological tree I can connect myself to both the Daughters of the Confederacy and Daughters of the Union. I thought what a trifecta if only I could link to the Revolution, I could link my heritage to all three.
I slowly started to hit on each grandparent searching and trying to make that connection.
And I did! This is very exciting for me, a dream closer to becoming a reality.  Now on to the task of documenting the connection. For me right now just the idea of the possibility is left me on a genealogical high!

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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