About four years ago my husband came across the “tiny house” movement. I will admit I think they are cute and the idea of being able to “roam” was a nice thought. BUT to consider two adults, two toddlers and two dogs in less than 300 square feet, no thank you.


And then we went on a little journey of discovery. During this time those same two adults, toddlers and dogs lived in a 30 foot camper.  YES that is right a 30 foot camper. That’s about 150 square feet.


At first I had a panic attack. I seriously did not think that it would work. Alas, we survived 6 months and all the better for it.


During our little camper excursion we found a buyer for our house YAY! Once the date was set we went on a house hunting frenzy trying to find the right one. We were ok with a bit of a fixer upper but we did need it to be move-in ready.  And the closing date was fast approaching.


Offer after offer on various houses was beat, not accepted or countered for way more than we were prepared to pay. Lastly, we put in an offer on a cute little grey post war cottage.


And again they countered with way more than we could pay. O the frustration…. And more houses.


Then out of nowhere our realtor texted me that they would come to our price on the gray post war cottage!!! And so we found a home that fit all we needed and gave us some wants too!


For my husband it offers a newly built garage and for the dogs it offers a fenced in yard. It is less than a block from a park, picnic shelter and baseball diamond. ( I envision my son playing ball just like in The Sandlot!)


Here are the numbers… our old house was 1400 square feet of 1930’s bungalow.  Our new house is 600 square feet of post war cottage.


 After watching Tiny House shows with my husband I have big plans for our little house. But I believe happiness is about who is in the space not how big it is. After the ups and downs we experienced on our journey of discovery I truly believe that life simply is the way to go. 


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