Sure but not sure….
I was pretty sure that this photo is of one of Grandma Betty’s Uncles. She had at least two that served during WWI. There is that little bit of doubt so I looked at the picture again and thought maybe they were railroad men, which in our family there were many.  Then I go back to them being soldiers because the one on the right might be a bugler.
Then I discovered this second photo that has the same age and feel as the first one.  It appears to be the same men in this picture and the has military stripes on his arm.  So I am go back to my first conclusion that they perhaps are WWI soldiers.
Both pictures look as if they are having a bit of fun.  When it comes to photos I am often longing to see more. What were they doing just before the camera flashed? What was the conversation?  I may never know the who, what, where, or when .
I have many photos that were not documented and those that might know are no longer with us.  I am working to put names and stories to the faces.

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