#52 Ancestors Week 8: Heirloom

I have always been fascinated by our family photos. I especially love the black and white pictures.

Grandma Betty and her Race Car

I remember sitting on my grandmother’s porch going through old pickle jars that were filled with pictures. Before she got sick she would use old Sears catalogs and past the pictures in them as she could not afford scrapbooks.
Grandma Hellen with her younger sister Lillian

While grandma had slipped farther from us, she always lit up when she would see a picture of an old friend or a family member that she had not seen in a long time. Alzheimer’s took many things from her but some of her distant past came back with the help of photographs.
Of all the items that I treasure the photographs mean the most as it puts a face to a name.
Unknown Ancestor

It also has challenged me to put a name to a face, for there are many photos of individuals that I do not know who they are.
It is exciting to see our two children get into the pictures and look through them. This year for Valentines I decorated with various wedding photos from our family. Hailey loved looking at the pictures. She said “mama it’s so romantic.”
Valentine’s Day display

Shawn loves the pictures of family members in uniform. He was especially impressed with the photo of my 3rd Great Grandfather Helton Rutherford Walker in uniform.
Helton Rutherford Walker

He was a part of the 48th “Voorhies” Reg (B & G), Tennessee Volunteers.
When I see pictures at antique stores I get a little sad for those stories that are forgotten and for their ancestors who are missing out on their history. Having the ability to introduce the children to their history has been very meaningful. I appreciate that gift.

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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