
Once a month I meet with a group of ladies for fellowship. We are all different ages and in different walks of life. Each month our EMBRACE gatherings have become a special time for me. I enjoy meeting with these ladies and learning from them.

Each month there is a topic and four questions to help guide the discussion. a couple months ago the questions were on What brings you Passion/Joy.

As I was thinking about the questions I began to list things that bring me joy.

Here is my “short” list of “things” that bring me JOY!

  1. My Husband Stephen
  2. My two little people Shawn and Hailey
  3. Our Yorkie Shamrock and Doberman Winston King Pride
  4. Photography
  5. Sweet Tea
  6. Dr. Pepper
  7. Monograms
  8. Striped Hand Bags
  9. Pink Lip Stick
  10. Gingham

I would love to hear what brings you JOY?

P.S. Starting with April I will be posting the questions here to the blog to for further discussion.


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It’s nice to meet you.

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