IMG_20180409_124045April found me behind and by the middle of the month I was so behind that my mind went into hibernation mod. It did not help that we had SNOW thrown in. I already had moved on to spring and the snow on top of my overwhelmed self put me in a bad mood.
I do not like when I get like that. I try to sit down to complete something and it just not happen. I am unproductive.
I struggled to find the reason why I was so put out. Then it hit me. I had committed to participate in the #52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. I was going along each week doing my post then I got behind. I was sick then we traveled for Spring Break. When I got back I felt as though I was too far behind to catch up.
20170321_095754At my most frustrated point I almost gave up. Then my husband said to me but I thought you liked doing this challenge. I do, I absolutely love it. It was then, I realized when I set my goals and boundaries I did not leave room for life to happen. I have to be realistic, I am a wife, mother of two and I work away from home full time. This does not leave me a lot of extra hours to get everything else, I want or need to do, done. There needs to be some wiggle room, some grace for myself. I just might not get it all done and that is all right.
A time study helps to see where your hours are going. For me it was a crazy realization just where all my time was allotted. With things such as work, my commute, housework, and sleep I am left with 23.25 hours to do things like, spending time with my husband, one on one time with the kids. My husband is always telling me take time for yourself, do something for you. Easier said than done. Yet it needs to be done.
So I have refocused my mind and have set some realistic expectations for the month of May.  For me it comes down to time management and stress management.
IMG_20170321_100631_242The first is to prioritize better making better use of my time.  I know one of my time suckers is the TV. I am usually very disciplined with my TV time but during off season of shows, I find myself watching the same episode of a show for the 4th or 5th time. I mean I love House Hunters but do I really need to watch it over and over? I am committing to no TV for the month of May. I plan to use the time I would waste in front of the TV to actually being productive.
The second is to not fret if I miss something. This is a huge stressor. I keep telling myself just enjoy the journey. Its ok if the laundry sits in the basket one extra day. Faith and family first and the rest will fall into place.
What are ways you stay on task and manage your time and stress?
P.S. As to the weeks I have missed, I will not sweat it. At the end of the #52 weeks I will go back and pick up the ones that I missed.

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