Who am I Wednesday?
I have many photos that were not documented and those that might know are no longer with us. I am working to put names and stores to the faces.
 Group 1
I believe the young girl on the very end is my Grandmother Helen (Dellray) Green, the women beside her looks like Nina Dellray her mother and the gentleman in coveralls on the opposite side is Roy Dellray. I would love to be able to put names to all the others.
In comparison to Roy the other men look dressed in Sunday best. The young boy in the front appears not blest by the picture or perhaps it is the tie.
As to the year we know my grandmother was born in 1923. She was tall and I think her face looks very young compared to her graduation picture so I would say she is 13 or 14 here. That would make this picture taken around 1936 or 1937.

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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