Happy Weekend Y’all.

1 As we head into December I think I have finished decorating the house. I had everything placed and then Thursday I started to rearrange a few things. This is our first Christmas in this house so it is coming to me slowly how I want it to look.  How is your decorating going?

2 I had a crazy time on Instagram this week. I shared a picture that got 628 likes. 

3 I am on the hunt for Christmas trees. Big, small, wood, bottle brush, on china, I am not picky.

4 I have decided on decorating our family room with a vintage camping look. The family room Christmas tree took us down this path. The kids have been talking non- stop about it. I am looking up pictures for inspiration and possibly using some of the items we have on the tree to carry the theme over from Christmas to everyday.

5 It has been about 4 years since I have had the motivation to do much cooking and baking. It would take so much work in the tiny kitchen and then the doing of the dishes; the joy was lost for me. It probably was the hardest part of living tiny. Now that I have space I love spending time in the kitchen. This weekend the kids and I will be making some Puppy Chow to start off our holiday baking.  What is your favorite thing to make during the holidays?

6  This morning we are on our way to a library book sale. I have not been to one in a long time so I am excited for all the books I can find. I love old hardback books and will pick them up on occasion at the thrift store but they have raised their prices. This book sale all books are 25 cents! Fingers crossed I find some good ones. O and I may pick up a few children’s books for the kids. ☺

7 We had a crazy snow storm last Sunday that lasted into Monday. They called off school and I did not end up going into work. It was nice to have one more day off before heading back to our regular schedule. If there is one in November and December!?

8 In a week we will be going to see White Christmas on the big screen. I am soooooo excited. I was in about 3rd grade when I saw the movie on the big screen for the first time. It was magical seeing the full image of the director’s vision. It is amazing how much is cut out to fit TV. And can we talk about color. The color just pops at you. The kids have watched it multiple times and can sing some of the songs. They have heard me talk to Stephen about it but I do not think they realize that we are going to see it at the movie theater, they will be surprised.  What is your favorite Christmas Movie?

9 We did not do too much shopping over thanksgiving but the week leading up to it I found myself on the hunt for some new jeans. In the process of looking for them I discovered a great clearance sale at Meijer. I was thrilled. When we left for Florida I donated a lot of my “winter” clothes and just have not re-stocked my shelves. For less than $100 I purchased two pair of jeans, a pair of leggings, a pair of yoga pants, three tops, four sweaters and a lovely green dress that I plan to use as a holiday party dress.  Did you find any good deals?

10 There is a cookie exchange at work next week. I was tempted to participate until I saw this picture. Now I remember why I do not like pitch-ins or potlucks or… cookie exchanges.

Simply, Jess

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