Simply Saturday

1. We left the house at 630 so we could beat the line at the vet. Our Dobie Winston King Pride seemed a bit off and sure enough he is sick. Dr J. said it could be 1 of 3 things. 3 is cancer and that is to hard to think about. A full panel will be run to see what his blood might share. We wont know that until Monday. For now treating with antibiotics and rest in hopes it is just a doggy cold. Pease say a little prayer for our gentle giant! 

2. We are not planning to leave the house for the rest of the day! I have my Grandmother’s Cony Sauce cooking and plan to use that over some giant baked potatoes for lunch. Top with cheese and sour ceam..YuM!

3. I completed a painting yesterday. It was nice to  be able to sit and paint while the kids watched a movie. 

4. Tomorrow after church is White Christmas! I am all antsy and so excited! Kids are still clueless.

5. Its been a long while since I pulled my trusty glue gun. I used it to glue a few pair of snow ski ornaments made out of popsicle sticks. Those added to the ones I painted a few weeks ago really help give it some camp feels.  O and I made a  pine cone tree topper shaped like a star. I have a bag full of more pinecones. And I am the hunt for more ways to use them.

6. I had some luck at the book sale last weekend. I bought a handful of storybooks for the kids and books for me. I was familiar with two titles. I plan to read a lot over Christmas Break and these will be added to my reading list.

# There Was a Time by Taylor Caldwell 1947
# 280 of 1000 De Luxe Edition of Mark Twain’s Work 1907
# The Spirit and The Flesh by Pearl S. Buck 1957
# A House in The Uplands by Erskine Caldwell 1946
# Mrs. Dalloway by Virgin Woolf 1925
and lastly…
# Having Our Say:The Delany Sisters First 100 Years. 1993

This was a required read in middle school. One of the few books that has stuck in my memory. 

7.  I am having a hard time with schedule and setting priorities. I am sitting down today with my planner and inking in my writing, craft, reading, and research time. I am using December to get it right so January I will have established habits to be more productive. A career, being a wife and mother takes a lot of time, I want to be sure to set aside me time.

Have you read any of the books or are you familiar with the authors?

Any holiday DIYs that you just cant wait to do? or already done?

What are ways you stay on top of your writing while still doing everything else?

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