Simply Saturday 12 15 2018

Yall this week has been crazy!

  1. At the beginning of the week we had to decide what to do about Winston. The antibiotics have not helped. We have been worried over how to help him. Poor thing is starting to look real thin because he is not eating his normal servings. Everyone is getting concerned. We were referred to a specialist and so on Monday they will put him out for x-rays and scope to see what’s happening in his swollen nose.
  2. We did not make it to Wednesday night church because Shawn was under the weather.  Then on Thursday while in gym he fell backwards and hurt his wrist. The P.E. teacher thought it was broke but the school nurse thought it was just a sprain. So we ended up at the doctor for x-rays and a splint. It is just severely sprained. It happened to be his dominant hand. He is having a hard time slowing down. What can you expect from an almost 9 year old?
  3. The Friday of my office Christmas party is a half day of work. This friday has become my shopping day. I get back into town around 1pm and I use that time to gather most of what I need for gifts for the kids. Stephen and I talk about what to get them then I run to a handful of stores to get the items.
  4. We do “Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read.” This has helped us find a peace and a balance when it comes to Christmas shopping.  I select everything but the something to wear. We give them a little homemade gift card with the amount they can spend. They have more say in what they get on this shopping trip in contrast to the back to school shopping we do in October. It is fun to see what they end up with granted we still have the finale say if something is appropriate. At 8 and 7 this has not been to big of an issue but as they get older i feel it will be necessary to invoke this rule when they go shopping.
  5. I made Grandma’s pimento cheese for a department potluck. I was so worried that I had messed it up but four people asked me for the recipe! This made me feel good as I love to bake and cook but do not have the confidence that what I am making will be good.
  6. I am trying to learn the different features of my Surface Pro. I am overwhelmed by all it can do.  Excited to spend some time over Christmas break to work on it more in depth.

If you have a surface pro how do you use it? What features do you like bast?

Here is hoping next week proves to find what ailes Winston so we can focus on treatment that will heal him.  May you have a great rest of your weekend and enjoy the last week before Christmas. I cant believe that Christmas Day is just 10 days away!

Merry Christmas! 

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It’s nice to meet you.

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