I have memories of being in the corner, my corner; but as to why I was there I have no memory of. I asked my mother what kinds of things I did to get into trouble. Her response was that I was never “bad” but very willful. If I did not want to do it I would not, no matter the consequences.

She also tells stories of how I would get so mad that I would hold my breath until I would pass out. I however have no memory of this…… though that could be because I was unconscious.

Our home was a large house with many corners. My corner of choice was the corner to the left of the piano in the music room. The rules of the corner were that I had to have my nose to the wall my feet flat on the floor. (I enjoy dancing and found it very tempting to move) Sitting was not an option.

I enjoyed this corner because when no one was looking I would release the metronome that sat upon the piano. I would make it go really fast and then really slow. The bust of Beethoven and Mozart staring down at me. (Yikes now that was scary) Once discovered I was relieved of my “toy”.

As a child I thought that being in the corner was so boring and so very awful. It was to be sure the most horrible punishment. I think that the corner was the cause of my overactive imagination. Not being able to read while I was on “restriction” I would make them up in my head.

The older I got the more I appreciate the practice of banishment to the corner. I found that not all parents use this form of discipline. Some would punish physically. Being a  foster child my parents were not allowed to use physical punishment. Once the adoption was final they could have changed their technique. However because of my former situation in life they felt that it would be better if they set a different example.

As parents we find ourself sending our children to the corner and by their reaction it is as bad for them as it was for me. Once my son asked me to spank him to get the punishment over. I was so surprised by his request I laughed out loud. My husband always has to remind me to keep a straight / sturn face when it comes to disapline. When I look at those two mini versions of us it is hard not to find the humor in all of it.  You see our daughter who looks a lot like me has my husbands personality while our son looks just like Stephen but has my personality. So when mother said “I hope one day you have a child just like you……..

Hailey is a ride or die chic, here she has her brothers back. He was sent to the corner for something and she sat there with him the entire time. 

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It’s nice to meet you.

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