2019 52 Ancestors 52 Weeks

Week 1: First

On January 12th 2010 We met our first born. He was two weeks late and the doctor planned to induce. We were nervous and excited.

My birth plan was simple.

  1. Natural
  2. No Meds

Walking into the hospital at midnight of the 12th, I knew number 2 was no longer an option. They explained that they would give me a medication to  jump start his birth. At the time I was so naive that I had not asked what med so I could research the risk.

In at midnight, we were given a room and told to try to rest. Soon a nurse came in and started a Pitocin drip. By 1:30pm a heart rate monitor was strapped around my larger than a watermelon belly.

So tired and just wanting to sleep, it never came. Every half hour a nurse would come in and ask me to roll to my other side. This was an ordeal because I was so big every movement was a struggle, not to mention the IV in my hand and the struggle of going to the bathroom.

The nurses kept asking me how my contractions were and to this day I do not know what one feels like. (did not have them with our second either)

At 6:00 AM they explained that they could not keep little mans heart rate on the monitor every time I had a contraction. Apparently they were some severe contractions. So the doctor on duty had decided to prep me for an emergency c-section.

At this point everything started to happen fast. All of the sudden the fairly laid back nurses were in hyper mode. I was so scared I had started to cry as they wheeled me back to the labor and delivery OR. As the prepared me for the surgery a nurse and to hold my shoulders as they gave me the shot in my back.

Once I was laying down and the small pipe they call a table and the curtain was put up they let Stephen come sit by my head. I felt nothing but some tugging, and then the doctor said, Stephen if you want to stand and see your son we are removing him now.

Stephen stood up about 3 seconds to late and instead of seeing our son he say me from the inside out. He held it together and did not pass out but he said that was something he could of done with out.

They rushed our baby boy to and exam room. Apparently there were other complications that I did not know about until I read his birth record about 6 months later. I was in on out from the lack of sleeping and meds.

Seeing Shawn for the FIRST time

I vaguely remember them binging him over for me to see but then they ushered Stephen and lil man into a second room were they took his foot print.

Stephen with Shawn

Even with everything that happened this was the best day ever. This is the day that Shawn Matthew Davis arrived into the world.

Shawn’s FIRST Birthday
Shawn Matthew on his 8th birthday

We learned he was hugging the umbilical cord and that is why his heart rate would go off the monitor. Turns out that he is a big hugger in life too!

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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