Happy New Year….. O wait it is already the 12th of January. TIme is really flying by. I took the last few weeks to spend with the family, enjoying winter break. Kids went back to school Monday the 7th.

Getting back into the routine has been rough. I have lost count of how many meltdowns we have had. Hoping next week will get better.


Today we are celebrating Shawn’s 9th birthday. We usually keep birthdays very small. Benchmark years we have a party where he can invite friends over. Since this year will just be our family I ordered small cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes. A dozen with decorations for the top was less expensive than one medium cake. I am excited we each get one we love and some new flavors that we have not had yet.

Update on puppers….

Winston is much improved. To think that just two week ago we did not know if he was going to make it. We left for church and when we came home I sent Stephen in to see if he was still alive. That is such a horrible scary feeling.

He has visited  Dr. M a number of times since he got sick and Monday Dr. M said he it was as if he was meeting Winnie for the first time. He is starting to play and eat more. We are so thankful that Dr. M added us to his roster of pets even though they are not taking new patients now.

He is about 85% better. He will be on pills for 6 months to ensure that the fungus is fully eradicated. Sadly the fungus did get into one of his eyes. In a few weeks he will have to have his eye removed. He could keep it even though he is not seeing out of it but….they worry the fungus could hang out there and then in weeks or years manifest itself again. And we do not want this to happen again.

We are looking into after school activities for the kids. A teacher at the daycare they attend after school leads a group of boys scouts and they are all 3rd grade, Shawn’s age. Looking for ideas for Hailey. She has been taking dance but recently asked to start gymnastics. We will see what we will do.  It would be so much easier scheduling after school activities if I worked in town. The commute and my husbands second shift really puts a kink in week day activities.

I am so excited about how the family room is coming together. I am currently planning a gallery wall with some vintage souvenir state plates. I am going with a vintage camp and travel look. I have coordinating frames that I need to bring in from the car and then I will be ready to start hanging items.

This weeks blog goals are to get some post that I have started finished. I am  really bad about that. I start one and for some reason have to take a break and I never get back to it.  I also plan to sit later tonight with a cup of hot tea and listen to a couple of genealogy based podcast. One is specific to blogging and genealogy.  

What are some of your blogging / genealogy resources that you have used?

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It’s nice to meet you.

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