It is kind of crazy to say but I want to meet my biological mother. I have for the last 30+ years had no desire too. Even in the last 6 months I have been very unmoved in my outlook.

I am not 100% sure when I had a change of heart but recently I had a conversation with  someone who made me think on the bigger picture.

I have often looked at it as how it will impact me and my family but what about the impact on the family I was not raised with?

I have shared in previous post about how my DNA test nailed down my paternity. Long back story ends with two men that could possibly be my father. The man that I got my DNA from has passed away. His family denied his paternity when I was a child and gave up rights to me. Kansas was just starting to give rights to grandparents at the time. I have since tried to reach out to various members of his family but have not had any response.  Another challenge I am working on over the next month will be focused on finding out as much as I can about my Zimmerman line.

But back to meeting my biological mother.

I have often felt like I cold fish when it comes to this.  My feelings have always been very casual. I feel odd about it really. When you watch shows on TV where they are searching and wanting to meet their parents and they have a drive and a passion to find and meet them. They have a nervous flutter or shaking hands. I do not have that passion or singular focus.

When I was deep in reflection on the pros and cons of meeting my mother I realized a few things.  My life’s JOY and HAPPINESS is not dependent on meeting her. If we meet or not my life is still complete. However, the longer I wait the less time I might have.

All this contemplating raised other questions. What does this say about my witness? Where is the grace? Can’t someone grow, change and turn their life around?

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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