Sitting here today I can tell you my current “unicorn” would be a picture of my biological father. Back in the Spring of 2017 I submitted my DNA for testing. Through this test I was able to confirm Theodore “Ted” Zimmerman as my biological father.  

I shared about that experience here.

At the time I stated that I wanted to find a picture of him. I looked up information on how to get his obituary in hopes there was a picture. But then I never sent for it. I am not going to try and analyze why I did not send for it but ultimately the information and email got shoveled around and misplaced.  Fast forward to this last week and I finally did it. I finally sent my $5 off to the Crawford County Genealogical Society to get my biological fathers obituary with the hopes that his picture will be with it.

The Crawford County Genealogical Society is housed in the Pittsburg Public Library. As a child living in Pittsburg I visited this library often. I can remember the steps and the smell. This library is also where I began to notice architecture.

The library first opened in 1902. By 1907 they were ready to expand. After watching a documentary on The history Channel I have a better understanding of Andrew Carnegie and his philanthropic works. His generous donation enabled The Board to open a Prairie Style library with Arts and Crafts interior styling in 1912.

The summer of ’88 we moved from Kansas. And then we moved again in 1993 and again in 1995. There have been a few more moves but with each move I always found my place at the library. As an introvert starting over at a new school in a new town was always hard. I never felt like I belonged. At the library I found comfort and peace. It was were I could go and get lost in a good book.

One day I will make it back to the Pittsburg public library a place where I can research more about my deep family roots in Kansas. Until then someone at the library on the second floor will be making a copy of an obituary and sending it off to me. I am looking forward to receiving their correspondence soon!

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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