I am working on my biological family tree and I have found multiple times where my lines cross. It was explained to me that at the turn of the last century and into the 1930’s the area my family lived was not highly populated. Small towns and rural areas in Kansas. It was common to have family lines cross over each other. I have had to sit down and map out certain relationships on paper to figure out just how they were connected.

The three lines that this has affected are my biological mothers line Walker/Riley, my step-fathers line Totman/Stephens and my biological fathers line Zimmerman/Farmer. This summer I am starting a project to document these connections. For some reason I am curious about all the blurred lines. By the end of this project I hope to have a full list of connections and to have a better understanding of the Genealogy Relationship Chart.

Here is my first crossed line. I found it while researching family lore about a grandson who killed his grandfather. (Post on this to come.…)

John R. and Sarah L. (Huckabee) Norris are the Great Grandparents of William Stephens and Grandparents to Minnie (Norris) Stephens. Another way to look at it is Minnie’s father is the brother to Williams Grandmother. If I have followed the chart correctly William is Minnie’s first cousin twice removed…?

One down…more to come!

Do you have any cross overs on your line. How do you document these? What has you curious today?

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