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Wow so much has been happening over these last couple of months. It seems like forever since I have written a post. I will be honest and say that I have not been motivated to write. I have had writers block before but this was something different.

An individual thinks I am a terrible writer and has expressed such to me. The conversation was not one of constructive criticism. It really was dream crushing.  

I am horrible about giving up when I am criticized. I struggle with being a duck and letting the water roll of. When I would sit down to write I found myself in another pity party over the conversation. And then I was mad at myself for not having the confidence in myself. I was angry that I allowed someone’s opinion get to me.  

I spoke to my husband about it.

He asked me “why I write and who I write for?”

I responded “I write for myself because it brings me joy and it helps clear my head.”

He then replied “this individual does not fall into the answer for either question so why do you allow their opinion get to you?”

 I processed this and he is absolutely right.  I am not going to let one person’s opinion keep me from doing something I enjoy!  

While I was rediscovering my joy of writing I kept busy gardening, reading and learning more about genealogy through pod cast. All of which I hope to share here.

With this new found energy I am looking forward to pushing ahead motivated to start the last half of 2019 in a better head space!

~ Jess

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