Photo by Vlad Cheu021ban on

Bad weather affects all roads, no matter how well they may be constructed. While driving in bad weather, you should be more cautious and certainly reduce your vehicle’s speed on slippery roadways. Below are some examples of precautions to take in inclement weather:

1. Take extra precautions on hills. Brake over the top of blind hills at a speed that will permit you to bring your vehicle to a stop safely in case the road ahead isn’t clear.

2. If you are going on a long trip, make sure you get plenty of rest beforehand. Many over-the-road truck drivers keep a window slightly open to allow fresh air to enter the vehicle.

3. If conditions get too hazardous to proceed, don’t be afraid to pull off to the side of the road (at the first safe location) and wait until conditions improve enough to proceed.

4. Include a survival kit in all vehicles. Some items to include are a shovel, windshield scraper, flashlight, extra clothing, snacks, water, battery powered radio, blanket, and a first aid kit.

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