I recently was asked about my favorite type of bible study. As a preacher’s kid I have been introduced to so many types of studies and I admit I get so caught up in the details of how to do it, that I often find myself getting overwhelmed to the point that I do not do it at all. I mean is God supposed to be a triangle or a crown and what color should I make the word Joy.

Now I know that these types of studies are made to be tailored to you and there are no right or wrong ways to study, yet I still struggle. The main objective is to be in the Word.

Over these last few months it has been laid on my heart to open the Word more. After looking at various ways to study the bible I decided I need to find a simple method that is structured. I can honestly say the Precepts Bible Study is not my cup of tea but what is?

Types of Studies I have looked at:
Application Bible Study
Verse by verse

Whither you are looking at topical, character, chronological, book, or word studies there are so many styles. And lets not forget all the tools – Concordances, Commentaries, Study Bibles, Lexicons, Bible Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Bible Almanacs, Maps, Books about the Bible, and Bible Pamphlets.

Even in my journey to find a simple method of studying the bible I have myself all in knots.

But then I found a few simple acronyms that are popular for bible study use. For me they help provide a coordinated study that does not get to crazy with information overload.

The acronym that works the best for me is WORD.

Word of God

Word of God
I use the You Version App for their read through the bible plan. This helps me stay on track with my reading. For my study time I like to use my Thompson Chain Study Bible that I was given as a high school granduation gift circa 1999. It has been with me for years.

As part of my observation I have a few questions I like to think about. I keep these on note cards so that I can referance them when I am studying. They are…..

Who is speaking? Who is is this about? Who are the main characters?

What is the subject or event covered? What do you learn about the people or events covered?

Where is the subject or event covered? What do you learn about the people or events covered?

When – Did or will something happen? When will something happen to someone in particular?

Why is something being said or mentioned? Why will or would this happen? Why at this time or to this person ?

How will it happen? How will be done? How is it illustrated?

Simply put the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the text.


During my time of reflection I like to apply the things I have learned to my life. These lesson are not always obvious. I often have to meditate on them. Application to my life can be in the little details, small areas that I need to “fix”. Other times I need to focus on the bigger picture. I struggle with trying to put my dreams and assperations into Gods plans. I need to instead focus on putting Gods plans into my dreams.


Another area I struggle is verse memorization. With my new formate I like to focus on a specific verse from the text I have read to declare. When declaring the word I like to read it, speak it, and write it.

When I mapped out this plan for studding I decided I would keep a journal with the date, scripture that I have written and any notes or themes that arise.

For me this is a simple uncluttered way to dive into the word.

What kind of bible studies do you like?

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