As October is Family History Month I thought this would be a great time to start focusing on genealogy again. You know getting back on the horse after my brick wall break through and subsequent brake…. To help me focus I have set 15 goals.

Photo by bongkarn thanyakij on
  1. Set up a Trello account.
  2. Read at least 4 articles a month from Family Tree Magazine.
  3. Document questions posted in Facebook groups.
  4. Look into making a Family History Facebook Group with my Aunts and Cousins.
  5. Read 31 Days to a Better Genealogy By Amy Johnson Crow
  6. Attend Roots Tech in 2021
  7. Look up Family History Fanatics on You-Tube
  8. Create a City Guide
  9. Go Through Paper Files
  10. Create a research plan
  11. Write Short Summaries of Ancestors
  12. Look up Dead Fred
  13. Go through Pictures
  14. Learn more about my DNA
  15. Contact a DNA Match

Some of the 15 “goals” are more like habits I would like to create, while the others are long term projects that I will need to invest some thought and time into. This initially is a 6 month plan. After 6 months I will review my progress. Over all I want to be more intentional in my learning about Genealogy and thorough in my research. In future post will go into more detail on each goal and how I plan to fulfil them.

Do you have any Genealogical goals? How do you track them?

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