Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

My first Goal was to set up a Trello account.

I was introduced to Trello and then it came up again on Pinterest where individuals use it to track their Genealogical research. I can now mark it off my list that I have set up an account and I am learning how to put it to work for me.

One of my other goals is related to Trello. Task 3 – document questions posted to Facebook groups.

I have found a handful of groups on Facebook that I have posted specific research questions. I often forget that I posted until an answer pops up. Because I have not been documenting my questions I have always been afraid to post a second time for fear of asking the same questions(s) again.

Trello has solved this problem. I have created a board for “Facebook groups” and a card for each specific group. On those cards I can list the question that I asked. In the comments under each question I document the reply. I think as I utilize Facebook groups more this will be a useful tool for tracking the questions but also to track the responses for further research. I have not followed up on the tips and responses to my questions and this is something that I need to do better with.

Do you use Facebook Groups? Do you use Trello, if so, how?

Here is a list of the Facebook Groups I am apart of for Genealogy:
Kansas Genealogy! Just Ask
Kansas Genealogy Network
Kansas Genealogy Society
Missouri Genealogy
Are You My Cousin Community
Illinois Genealogy Network
US. Midwest Genealogy Research Community
US. South Genealogy Research Community
Indiana Genealogy
Genealogy For Beginners and Help
Keele Family Tree Project

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