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Are you a New Years’ resolution type of person, a word of the year type, or do you forgo it all?
I find myself always drawn to the word simplicity around the new year. I like to start the new year with a clean, de-cluttered house, and a de-cluttered head-space. Over the last five years, I have purged and started my “spring-cleaning” right after Christmas. I am home with the kids during their winter break which makes it the perfect time to tackle this goal. I call it my New Year Refresh.
I figure that even though simplicity is the attitude I want to live in the new year, it should not be my word of the year…. every year.
So, what word do I want to evoke in 2021? If you are unsure and searching for a great word, just google it. There are lots of lists of “perfect words of the year”.
Photo by Bich Tran on
As I prepare to turn 40, I am struggling with “looking back” over the last 40 years. What have I done with those 40 years? It is not so much a fear of turning 40 but of a fear of not wanting to waste the next 40. I am an introvert who is not too keen on taking risks. I have allowed myself to live in a realm of fear. Fear of taking chances, fear of making the wrong choices, fear of disappointing someone, fear of failure. I have so many dreams/goals and aspirations that I have started or have thought about starting but that four-letter word “fear” creeps in and I do not move forward on them.
I read a quote last week by Morgan Harper Nichols that returned to me while I was writing this post. With all my feelings I am feeling about my last 40 years I needed to be reminded to “Take heart. Breathe deep” because “You have not missed out on what was meant for you.”
From this quote I have my decided that my motivational word(s) phrase for this year will be
“to leap into 2021 taking chances and consistently working towards accomplishing my dreams.” Dreams without action can turn into regret and I do not want to live my life with regrets. I want to achieve even in some small way some of my goals.
So while I am looking at my 40th year with a new perspective how are you looking at 2021?