While I am excited to get back in the garden I can guarantee you I did not participate in National Naked Gardening Day. I mean seriously that’s a thing? A couple of gardeners I follow surprised me by participating. To each their own I guess.

Many of the wildflowers that I planted last spring are starting to bud! Primrose being one of them. I knew when planting them last year they do not usually bloom in the first year but kinda had hopes that I would see some yellow.

A couple did bloom but over all they were just large masses of green. I appreciate the savings when planting from seed but I admit I like the instantaneous pops of color you get when you plant flowers already in bloom.

Part of me feels like I am behind on garden work and the other side feels like it is still to soon to plant. It is after May 2nd which is our average last frost date. Yet, I have this dread of a late snow…..which has been known to happen.

This week I will kick my gardening and planting into high gear. By the end of the week we should have to no dig beds planted with Winter Squash, Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins, Sweet Corn, Large Bottle Gourds and Sunflowers. This will be the my first attempt at no dig beds. I was introduced to the process by Charles Dowding. I follow him over on YouTube and am excited to learn all I can from his channel.

The first round of carrots I planted were pulled up by the bunnies but the sugar snap peas, kale and radishes are doing great. This next week we are supposed to get a bit warmer with rain showers almost every day. By the end of the week I am hoping to see some more growth.  

I planted the old fire pit with some cut and come again Zinnias. I am looking forward to making some bouquets to share this year. If I can keep the new puppy Ike from digging it up. Of all the places in the back yard he is drawn to….why there?

I am constantly looking for new places to plant flowers. So one day while the husband was at work created a new flowerbed in the back by the bird feeders. I seeded the back bed with the Honey Bee Wildflower mix I ordered from American Meadows. Along the back fence I added some mammoth sunflower seeds for the birds and squirrels. All I think I need back there is a bird bath. I have found a few on amazon but want to look around at a couple of our local shops to see what they have.

Overall I have all the feels as the weather warms up. I have peppers and tomato plants growing in the basement ready to come outside in a week or two! We have a new watering system with drip tubing that I am excited to try. Stephen planned it out while he was working on the water lines for the fish tank. It involves a big blue food grade barrel and a pump. That is all I understand of it so far.

How are your garden plans coming along?

Have a great week!


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