Now think about your composition…..
Use natural lighting.
Follow the light and have it to the back of you but be sure the sun is not causing your subjects to squint. Think of other ways to use light to help in getting you a unique look. In the image above the light creates shadows among the trees and highlights the path behind the subject.
Rule of thirds… is it a commandment or suggestion
One instruction our teacher did give us was the rule of thirds. The idea of an imaginary grid (some cameras come with this in your view finder) that helps you build your photo.
I keep this in mind but I do not flow it to a T. I like to keep my shots more organic / natural, not over worked and staged.
Simplify your background.
Depending on what your are taking a photo of be sure the background does not compete with the foreground. That being said backgrounds can provide context to the story you are creating with the image.
Experiment with your settings.
When I first purchased my camera this was something I never did. Over the years I have slowly played with the settings. Sometimes I do not get a great shot but other times I get some amazing ones. Whether I get a shot or not I have learned something new about my camera.
Start Shooting
My favorite shots are those that happened naturally. I believe some of my best photographs are ones that I did not think to hard on.
In the end, even with all the tips and tricks it ultimately comes down to how you want your camera to work for you. My biggest tip I was given by a fellow photographer was to “Be flexible and think outside of the box”. At the end of the day create art that makes you happy.
Last year we purchased both our children Nikon Coolpix off of Market Place. Both have shown an interest in photography and enjoy having their own cameras when we head out but it is our little Shutter Bug that has really taken to it.
I use a Nikon D40x that I purchased in December of 2007. I have thought of upgrading but I still really like this camera. I also like the camera on my Galaxy Note 10+. Part of me wants to invest in a new camera but I would not even know where to begin. What camera do you use?