I teased over on Instagram about some exciting news…..and now I feel I can officially share…

We bought two extra plots of land one street over from us!

A little over a week ago Stephen sent me a text about a property auction that our city was going to have. The city had several properties they were listing. Some had houses and some were just the land including a few in our neighborhood. We placed a bid the middle of last week and we had been waiting for the auction to close. As of 3 pm this past Wednesday the auction closed. We were the only bid so we are just waiting for the city to finalize the paperwork.

So, what are we planning to do with the space?

Stephen and I have always had a dream of a small farm. One day we may get there but for now, we are going to expand our Garden. We have been blessed with a large corner lot that has allowed us to garden and experiment but our space has been limited. Last year’s experiment of no dig/3 sisters method of gardening did bring on some side-eye from a few of the neighbors.

Each time Stephen and I talk about the space we have more and more ideas. I told Stephen I wanted a Hartley. He said sure love whatever you want. So I pulled one up. He about fell off of his stool when he saw how expensive they are. Needless to say, a Hartley is not in our future. In the end, we are thinking about a 4-foot white picket fence and a simple garden shed. While we want to include all of that this year, we need to take baby steps.

The first step is to have the space surveyed and property lines marked. This will let us truly see what we are working with. With limited research done I would estimate that The new property was probably first tracked out in the late ’40s with the post-war expanse. Houses were built around the property but 5 tracks were left alone, 2 of which we now will cultivate.

Be on the lookout for more updates as we go into planting season to see how we develop the Rooted Simply Victory Garden!

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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