I recently had someone ask me why I call our garden a Victory Garden. It is partly because I am a history nerd, and I am fascinated with what the American people managed to do during WWII. Did you know that the average family was living on $29 a week in 1943? And that food staples were rationed out so that there would be enough to provide for the troops? Fresh foods were in short supply and by using propaganda posters the government urged families to do their part and plant “Victory Gardens”. Many families worked with friends and neighbors in building these gardens. The National WWII Museum says that “by 1944, Victory Gardens were responsible for producing 40% of all vegetables grown in the US.“

While this time was very complex it was also a simpler time. For us personally, we have had this dream of a simpler life, one that is rooted in hard work and harvesting our own crops. We were working towards this goal when we moved into the Sawyer house. We were a couple of years into this dream and COVID hit and a month into the pandemic Stephen was laid off. And it has taken us about 2 and 1/2 years to get back on track. But we believe this is the path God has taken us down and these last few years have taught us so much about trusting in God and allowing Him to guide us. We have never questioned that God would care for us but these last two years really had us leaning on Him. Therefore our Victory Garden is more about the Victory over our setbacks. That through Christ we can have victory over all things.

What do you claim victory over today?

Be on the lookout for more updates as we go into planting season to see how we develop the Rooted Simply Victory Garden!

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