Ancestry in a Minute –

Over the last couple of years as I have busted through a lot of walls in my family tree. One of the biggest involved my Great Grandfather Harrison Richmond Keele and his first wife. Late in 2020, I started to revisit their story. Up until then, I had no clues about who she was. Even her name eluded me.

So in December when I started to look back at them I was surprised to see so many hints o someone who did not even have a name.

I will link the original 4 posts below so that you can read all about this crazy tail that was even more fascinating than what grandma said happened to her.

While I had many hints I was not able to find her grave. It was very frustrating to find out so much and yet still be searching for more answers.

Recently I asked over on Facebook if anyone knew of this story or where she might be buried. Much to my surprise within the hour, I had the answer. I knew that she had died in Topeka but was not sure if her family had her brought back to the farm or area where they lived.

It was shared with me that while she is not on Find-a-Grave Louise was indeed in the Topeka Cemetery, where more than 35,000 individuals have been laid to rest.

Topeka Cemetery was chartered in 1859. It is still currently a privately operated cemetery.

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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