Today I would like to welcome Jay Davis, my father-in-law, to the blog. Jay and my mother-law Sally just recently retired to North Carolina after 40+ years in ministry.

Our life is a journey. Our life is often an adventure. As we take this ride through life there are certain aspects of this ride that make it better. 

Most of us today are in the middle or even closer toward the end of our earthly journey. We must face reality. We can’t change the past. That boat has sailed. That part of the trip or journey has already taken place.

The past is the part of your journey that can’t be changed but with God’s help, you can change the rest of your journey. You can finish well. God can help you make the most out of the rest of your life.

You can’t go back and change the start, but you can start now to change the future!

Someone once stated that the future is as bright as the promises of God. 

There is one universal truth – We have all messed up in the past, but God can help us have a brighter future.

This journey we are on, this path we walk, this trip we are taking has not ended yet – so let’s make the most of the days ahead – God can help us make the future better than the past.

God has promised inner peace as we walk on this path – He has promised a purpose for your journey.

Your life can have meaning & purpose.

In God’s book – the Bible – we have the plans for a good life. Jesus said in John 10:10 I came that they might have life and live life abundantly.

I am from Nebraska – that is where I was born and raised – and the motto for Nebraska for a long time was THE GOOD LIFE.

Along life’s journey, God offers us THE GOOD LIFE.

Although the Bible has the plans or directions for a good life – we must play a part – we need to apply the principles we find in God’s Word to our own lives. We must be intentional in living the Good Life. We must be deliberate in making our journey thru life the best it can be.

When you plan to build a new house the plans or blueprints for a new house must be put into actual construction. The blueprints are not enough though – someone needs to put the blueprints into an actual building, actual construction.

A songwriter may compose a beautiful song, but it still needs to be played on an instrument or sung by a singer to experience its beauty. The words on the page must come to life.

God has given us a blueprint for a good life – God has given us His word as plans on how to live the good life – how to go for a great adventure – God’s plans for a wonderful journey are there in our Bibles but we must apply His Word to our lives. We must put into practice the principles laid out for us in His Word the Bible.

Almost every home has a Bible but how much better our society would be if we tried to live by the Bible’s guidance?

Folks, God does not leave us to do it all on our own – We don’t have the willpower on our own. We have God’s help through the Holy Spirit residing within us to live God’s way. Plus, we have friends who can help us along the way. This journey is not one we take all on our own. We are not the only ones on the journey. There are others on this journey with us. St Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi states that we can mutually support one another. We have the support of God’s Holy Spirit residing within us and the mutual support of others around us.

God can even use this simple little radio program – this simple message – to encourage you along this path – to encourage you in your journey. Maybe the music encourages you as you walk this journey.

The journey that you and I are on is a journey through life. It is the journey OF life. 

Part of this spiritual journey is one of faith. We walk this road of life with faith or trust in God. Trust, which is simply our reliance on God. We rely on God every step along the way.

No matter how young or how old you are or what your life has been like so far, I invite you to explore this journey for yourself. It is the journey of life that contains a spiritual journey. May God bless you – With God’s help, you can live by faith in an uncertain world.

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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