Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite gardeners on YouTube. While I have watched the random video (usually sent to me by Stephen) I had never sought videos until 2020 when I found myself with a little more time on my hands. And that is when I discovered an entire world of YouTube gardeners.

I will say there are many that I watch occasionally or if I am looking for a specific topic. This list includes only the ones I watch weekly. (Read I get notifications when new videos drop) I have broken these up into two categories General Gardeners and those who Garden in the same zone. I also have a couple of channels that focus on Homesteading, which is a dream of ours. (By the way, Rockford has changed their ruling and we can have Chicken’s now….)

General Gardeners are those I think really anyone can learn from. Their videos have helpful information and I find myself taking notes. If I have a question, I usually look through their video to find the answer.

The Prairies Homestead
I receive her emails in my inbox and notifications on her videos.

Linda Vater
The First video I watched from Linda Vater was about how to repurpose thrift store baskets in the garden. It was such a great tip and really got me thinking more outside of the box in our garden.

Epic Gardening

Charles Dowding 
The Epic Gardening channel for his knowledge of fruits and vegetables. And it was this channel that led me to Charles Dowding and the no-dig method that we have used for two years on the south side of the house. A lot to learn from both channels, Charles alone has 40+ years of gardening experience.

Garden Answer 
Garden Answer is by far my favorite channel for several reasons. If you watch just one channel on this list…..make it this one. Their garden style is more formal but the amount of knowledge that you can gather from just one video. I also have wanted a Hartley ( ) for several years so I am loving watching the process of them putting one in.  

I garden in zone 5 and so do all the following gardeners. You can glean so much from watching someone in the same zone.

The Barney Homestead
I have been following Barney Homestead on Instagram for a long time. I just recently discovered that she has videos! I think of all the channels I watch, Barney Homestead is the closest to me. Located in the suburbs of Chicago  

The Impatient Gardener
The Impatient Gardener is one of the first that I found to be in the same zone. She is just North of us in Wisconsin, and I came across her name from a video from Garden Answer. I love the overall feel of her videos and would love to be able to tour her space. She has inspired me to try planting Dahlias.

Wyse Guide
I think it was on Facebook that I first came across Wyse Guide. The Wyse Guide YouTube About page says “Lifestyle blog & YouTube channel hosted by Kaleb – I farm, bake, cook, garden and decorate in Iowa and hopefully inspire others to do the same!

I watch all his videos and have been inspired by a lot of his décor videos, but I really visit for the canning recipes. I love to preserve what we have grown, and he has a lot of great tips and tricks.

University of Illinois Extension 

Every place we lived my mother was in contact with the University Extension offices. They cover a lot of topics. I have a few of her newsletters from when we lived in Kansas that she kept for the recipes. I also remember she partnered with the Indiana University Extension office to provide cooking classes to people who would come through the food pantry. It was during that time I was in 4H and Jr. Leaders all ran through the Extension office.

Honorable Mention

Here are three more that I watch on occasion.

Gardener Scott

Our Little Suburban Farmhouse

Expedition Homestead

Where do you go for gardening tips and tricks? Share in the comments below.

Simply Jess

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