As I am preparing to start my next class, I thought I would bring you along. For the next three weeks, I will be studying Romans. This will be my 8th class in this format. Overall the experience has been positive.  I would recommend this program to anyone looking to become ordained later in life or for lay people looking to serve their church more.

As I work through the coursework, I will share my thoughts and what I have learned. In the meantime, how about you join me in reading Romans over the next month?  My reading plan (I.e. assignment) for this course is to read all of Romans in 3 weeks. I realize that may be a lot so I have a  guide that will cover Romans over the next 4 weeks. I hope that is more manageable and that you join in.

Let’s start at the beginning – Romans 1:1 tells us that Paul is the author of the book of Romans. Paul’s purpose is to explain what Christ did, why He did it, and the results of those actions. It addresses our humaneness while demonstrating God’s plan for what has happened and is still to come in.

There are 5 overarching topics in the book of Romans sinfulness of mankind, the forgiveness of sin through Christ, freedom from sin, Israel’s past and future, and our personal responsibility. If you could sum up the theme into one word it would be righteousness.

Over the next four weeks try using the S.O.A.K. method as you go through the first four chapters.

Read the Scripture: After reading pick 1 or 2 verses and write them out.

Write an observation from the passage: What stands out about the selected verses? What do you learn about the character of God from those verses? Identify any promises, commands, or teachings.

Write an application from the text: How is God applying this to you, your life, and your circumstances? What action do you need to take or changes that need to be made?

Kneel and pray over what you have learned: Speak to your father, praise Him, give thanks for His love, and ask Him to help you see how to apply this to your life.

Will you Simply journey through Romans with me? Let me know in the comments.



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