For our Simply Romans reading plan we are using the SOAK method of study. Click here for that post….

Do you remember back in school when we learned about Who, What, When, and Where? Oh and let’s not forget How.   In a Bible study a few years back I was reintroduced to the 5 W questions as a way to go deeper in my Bible study. For my class on Romans, we are using these same questions.

Here are some examples of the questions you can ask as you study scripture. When asking yourself these questions think about the context of the verses and be open to guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Who is the story about? Who is speaking? Who are the main characters? Who else is mentioned? Who is the writer and who is the intended audience?  

Where is God in this story? Where did this happen? Where was it said, written or based? 

Why was this written? Why is it said? Why is this valuable? 

When is this written? When in history? Biblical History? When in the author’s life? When did the author say or do it? When did it happen to those in the story?

What is the author doing? What are the main events? What are the circumstances? What is the cultural setting? What is the main subject of the book? What does this have to do with me?

How will / did something happen? How is the story illustrated? How will you utilize this information?  

What are the ways you study scripture? Do you have a specific method? Let me know down in the comments, I look forward to hearing from you.



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