As we step out of our Romans Journey I thought we would look at a few women in the Bible. Culturally women did not hold a place of meaning in society so to have Esther’s story means everything. As we kick off this new series think about these questions…

Do you remain silent when God is calling you to speak out against injustice?
Are you afraid of the outcome if you stand up for what is right?

Esther, a young girl that stood up to some mighty men, is a story of intrigue and a murder plot… the book of Esther has it all.

Esther was a young girl who stepped into the role of Queen and trusted adviser to the King. Esther was raised by her uncle Mordecai. As an orphan, she did not have a status in society.  Yet she was very beautiful. The King was used to surrounding himself with beautiful things and so it was no wonder that he would find favor with Esther. Through her new role in the king’s harem, she was able to save the Jewish People.

One of only two women with a book of the Bible written about her. One of the unique facts of this book, God is not mentioned. However, it is God’s hand that brings Esther’s story full circle. Esther’s story is laced with divine providence.

Esther provides an example of what it is like to live in an unfaithful world and the challenges that come with remaining faithful.

The challenge: To read and journal the Book of Esther over the next 5 weeks.

The Setting: In Persia, the city of Susa (today: Shushan in Iran). 

Who to Know:

Xerxes, the king: Is very wealthy but does not have sound judgment. He is being manipulated by those in his trusted circle.

Mordecai, the Jew: Is a government worker, who saves the king.

Esther is an orphan who was cared for by her cousin Mordecai. As queen of Persia, she finds herself at odds with Haman, one of the King’s trusted advisers. Risking her own life she works to save her people.

Haman, an adviser to the King, hates Jews. Powered by greed, he sets into motion a plot that could spell trouble for the Jewish population.

Starting October 31 and going for the next five weeks, we will cover the entire book of Esther. Join Next Monday as we look at Esther 1&2.

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