My first Coffee and Sunrise from the porch!

Good Morning Y’all.

It has been a while since I shared a Simply Saturday post. I thought I would stop in and share a bit.

First off – I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving.

We had big plans. My in-laws were coming up from North Carolina and we had food ordered then on Sunday both Stephen and I got sick. My in-laws decided to stay home (I do not blame them) and Stephen and I managed to make it through to Wednesday at noon when both of us got off from work.

I appreciate my team as we had a Teams call on Tuesday and I attended with a blacked-out camera. I felt rough and looked rougher.

Thursday started out slow. We had breakfast and then took Ike to the dog park. He loved being around other dogs. He ran and ran. Ike had a hard time keeping his eyes open on the ride home.

Back home all the food was prepped by 1:00 and we sat down to eat. Thankfully I had ordered the Heat and Serve meal from Cracker Barrel. I ordered the meal before we knew we were going to be sick….which means we have a fridge full of leftovers. We will be packaging it all up and freezing it so Stephen can take it in his lunches for work. We are truly thankful for our health and all the blessings of this year.

We have been working through the Book of Esther and due to a tech glitch and the following illness, we are behind in getting each weeks post out. Monday I will post week 4 which puts me a week behind on the schedule. This means Esther will go into the first week of December.

Saturdays usually consist of music practice for Sunday service, gymnastics and batting practice. This week we only have music practice. I am thinking we may venture out to a couple of stores. We are moving rooms and changing out beds so we need to pick up a few things. Stephen and I broke down and purchased a KING size bed and will need sheets. Shawn is moving up to a queen and Hailey is getting a loft bed. She is so excited. We will have bits of each order delivered starting Tuesday all the way to December 10th. I must say I am anxiously awaiting our new bed.

While we were at the store we took a walk through the clearance section. I must say that every once in a while we come across a steal…I mean deal… and you can’t pass it up. A little back story, the sectional we have in the family room right now, is broken. We had it maybe a month, when our dog Winston, jumped on it just right and snapped a part of it. That was around 5 or 6 years ago. Since then it has broken in another place and one of the recliners is out of order also. We have looked before but could not find something in our price range. Until yesterday. Two weeks is going to seem like forever.

Hopefully, by Christmas, the house will be back in order. I did manage to get a tree decorated and about 80% of the Christmas decor up. We shall see how much more I get out. I still want to place some lights outside. I may try to get Stephen to help with that. I am loving the new porch and can’t wait to decorate it!

Have a fabulously Simple Saturday,


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It’s nice to meet you.

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