The Book of Esther reflects a common pattern in the Bible. God’s people are persecuted, God’s people are rescued and God’s people bring blessings to the nations. Can you name some examples of this? What does it tell you about God? About His love for His people?

There are so many takeaways from the book of Esther. Esther had to struggle with what it meant to live faithfully in a pagan culture. Does that remind you of how we have to live in the post-Christian culture? What are tools we can put into place to ensure we remain faithful?

We see it is even harder for individuals who step out against sin. Look how easy it is to be “canceled”.

Esther stepped out from the cultural norm for both a woman & a Jew and stood up to injustice. Esther valued people over herself. As Christians, how should we value people? What are ways we can express their value?

Journal Your Growth:

Esther grows in boldness as she moves through the chapters. Just like Esther God shapes and equips us. Think about how you were last week, month, or year. Compare that to who you are today. Like Esther, perhaps God has ordained such a time as this for you to alter the course of your life. Are you afraid of the outcome? With Christ all things are possible.

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