Welcome back to Week 4 of our Lenten journey. During this 6 week walk through Jesus’ life remember that the goal of Lent is to be a time of reflection, preparation, and prayer.  

In week one we talked about what we were going to sacrifice for Lent. This year I have decided to give up Dr. Pepper. Week one started out ok and I thought man I totally have this. By the middle of week two, I was really wanting a Dr. Pepper. The practice of sacrifice represents the act of removing idols that stand between you and full devotion to Jesus. I once heard a child say they would give up vegetables for Lent. While that was very generous of the child it lacked a true sacrifice. The child only ate vegetables because their parent told them. The sacrifice had no impact on the child. Did you select something that was truly a sacrifice to you?

Have you decided what you are going to sacrifice? I have chosen to give up soda for this time. If you know me you know Dr. Pepper is to me what coffee is to most people. I have often joked that it is with Jesus and Dr. Pepper that I get through my days. This year I would like to put all my dependence on Jesus.

As your idols come down be sure to place all your dependency on Jesus.



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