Welcome to Week 6 of our Lenten journey. During this 6 week walk through Jesus life remember that the goal of Lent is to be a time of reflection, preparation and prayer.  

As you read and reflect this week take a look back at your Lenten Journey.

What idols have you let go of?
How has fasting brought you closer to God?
How did you choose to give your Alms?
What impact did that make on your heart?

As I reflect I think back to the song Lord I need you. I often say “I got this”, when in reality I don’t. I was reminded through this journey that I need Jesus in every moment. Every aspect of my life needs to be surrendered to Him. I am reminded of its bridge which says:

“So teach my song to rise to You, When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand, I’ll fall on You, Jesus, You’re my hope and stay”

Are you relying on Jesus to be your hope and stay in 2023?   



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