Happy 4th of July!

We are keeping it simple here this year. This morning we did some garden chores and we are going to grill out this evening. With some napping and relaxing in between.

Of my many childhood memories of celebrating the 4th of July, the one that stands out as the most unique was the summer between 6th and 7th grade. We lived in Evansville Indiana and their fireworks show was down on the Ohio River. They may have been shot off a barge I am not sure.

I distinctly remember the warm breeze from the river and picking up the notes of my grandfather’s tobacco in the air. Tables were set up in the parking lot where we ate BBQ Chicken. The selection of sides seemed to stretch a mile long with the sweets table just as long on the other side of the lot.

As the sun began to set our church family gathered and climbed up a wide fire escape onto the roof that overlooked the river. It was the first time I watched fireworks with my feet not firmly grounded. The building was a four-story structure, not super high but tall enough that the fireworks felt like they were so close to me that I could reach out and touch them. For some reason when they started I froze, so scared to move especially my arms. I went stiff, just moving my eyes to catch all the remarkable colors. The music from the local radio station was blasting every patriotic song and I remember seeing some of the casings land near my lawn chair. I am not sure why but that scared me sitting up there on that tar roof yet I was amazed at the show it was putting on. The feeling of awe while simultaneously feeling afraid is still curious to me.

When you think of the 4th of July what memory comes to mind?

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