Are you having a hard time jumping into reading the Bible?

Here are a few points that may help to get you going.

First, set a goal. This can be simply starting at the beginning or finding a reading plan. The important thing is to have a plan. YouVersion, Filament and WordGo are apps that can be downloaded to your phone that offer reading plans and Bible studies.

Next, set a minimum time that you will spend in the word. Set a timer so that you are not tempted to pick up your phone to check the time. This could lead to being distracted when you see that you have a message icon.

This leads us to tip three. Eliminate distractions….Turn off the TV, put the phone down, find a quiet space.

A great way to create a habit is to create a routine. Write down how you want your time in the word to flow. Do you pray first then read? Or read then pray? When do you reflect on your reading? I like to keep a notebook nearby so that I can write questions or thoughts I have about the reading.

Tip five is to find an accountability partner. Choose an accountability partner that will help you stay on track and keep you motivated. Someone who provides support and advice who will share in your success and push you to achieve more.  

Know, its never to late to dive into God’s word. Its never to late for God to start speaking to you through His word. So pick up that Bible and find a quiet place to start reading, studying, and listening to God’s word.

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