Do you agree that Christian Perfection is impossible to gain?

I disagree that Christian Perfection is impossible to gain. We live in a culture of instant gratification and immediate success. So I can see where the idea of perfection is discouraging. I think we need to emphasize in our teaching that He is still at work in us as we move toward Christian Perfection. If new Christians do not have the goal to obtain Christian Perfection what is the motivation for them?

I think we need to separate Wesley’s idea of perfection and the Webster’s Dictionary definition. I do not think the two are the same. Christian Perfection does not mean we are free from mistakes. The idea here is less sin not sinless.

Matthew 5:48 says “You, therefore, will be perfect [growing into spiritual maturity both in mind and character, actively integrating godly values into your daily life], as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Zondervan,2016).

Christian perfection is about becoming all God wants us to be. Gregg Allison says it is loving God completely, implying that no attitudes contrary to love remain; rather, all thoughts, affections, decisions, words, and actions are governed by love.” As Matthew 5:48 says it is a level of “spiritual maturity”.

We live in a culture of participation trophies. Everybody wants an abundant life without giving it all to God and putting in the work to achieve perfection. I think instead of seeing it as a struggle we should see it as a goal. So while none of us will reach the Webster’s Dictionary definition of perfection I think there is a possibility to achieve Wesley’s definition of Christian Perfection.


Allison, Gregg R. The Baker Compact Dictionary of Theological Terms (p. 193). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Zondervan,. The Amplified Study Bible. Zondervan. Kindle Edition.  

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