Welcome to September’s Simply Journaling Word prompt.  

Did you know the benefits of journaling are endless? Whether you use technology or go at it with pen and paper journaling has been found to have many benefits. Journaling can improve self-defense, self-discipline, and even your vocabulary. Journaling can help you achieve your goals, generate creativity and even increase your emotional intelligence. For me, in this season of life, I am using journaling as a way to help heal and process after a betrayal.  

Here is the link to August Simply Journaling.

September’s word prompt is Worthiness.

For September our word prompt is worthiness and the scripture is Matthew 10:31.

The Voice
”You, beloved, are worth so much more than a whole flock of sparrows. God knows everything about you, even the number of hairs on your head. So do not fear.”

International Standard Version
“So stop being afraid. You are worth more than a bunch of sparrows.”

New International Version
“So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”


Write about a time you felt Satan telling you that you were worthless.

Can you share a time or experience when God used a person to encourage or affirm you?

What ways are you striving for approval or acceptance right now?

My Take:

Worthiness is defined as the quality of being good enough or the quality of deserving attention or respect. Worth is a value at which someone or something deserves to be rated.

During these last few months, I began to question my worth, even after all the schooling I completed in the last year, I allowed people’s comments to make me feel unworthy. All of my work experience did not seem to matter, in their eyes I am not highly rated.

What I had to realize is I may not be suitable in their eyes, being suitable does not make me less worthy. Ultimately when you think about how important you are to God it makes all the “noise” going on around you not important.

Digging Deeper in Luke 12 we see that Jesus asks “What is the price of five sparrows….” Sparrows’ worth was a penny, giving them little value. Yet we see in Matthew that even the sparrows matter to God. How much more are we worth that Jesus gave up His life for us? God has placed a high value on our lives and shows us through His love.

The “noise” of the world will try and convince us that our worth is in the world but the truth is our worth is in God because He created us in His image and He loves us so much He gave up His son for us.

God never promised us that He will protect us from the “noise” of the world, but He does promise to remain steadfast by our sides.

So today, remember you are more valuable than the sparrows. Remember your value is simply rooted in God.  You are important to him regardless of the “noise” of the world. Be encouraged – you are important to God.

Now I challenge you to grab your favorite pen, (Mine right now are the Paper Mate Ink Joy gels) a journal, or notebook, and let’s start journaling. 



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