Philippians 4:6-7

“Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.”

I am excited to share with you a new series titled Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting.

Moving forward every Wednesday there will be a new post focusing on PRAYER. We will learn exactly what prayers are and why we should pray. We will focus on Jesus and His prayers along with other examples from the New and Old Testament prayers.

I truly believe that prayer should be more than a lifeline. It should be a lifestyle. So let’s jump in.

Gather your supplies.

  1. Your Bible

I have dedicated one bible just to prayer. A lot of people are running with this idea. I have researched this and have landed on a way to use it that incorporates my vision for this project with some of the ideas I came across in my research.

(In a future post, I will share how I have my bible set up and how I use it. )

Pen and Paper 

This is so you have a place to write your heart. I use this journal that I purchased from Amazon.

If you need a bit of a jump start for writing, you can use the acronym for Pray as an outline.

Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield

Philippians 4:6 ”Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come.”

If I do not have some sort of guide my mind easily wanders. To Help stay focused, here are the 8 P’s of Prayer Time.

8 P’s of Prayer Time:

Prepare your heart and mind

Peter 1:13 “So get yourselves ready, prepare your minds to act, control yourselves, and look forward in hope as you focus on the grace that comes when Jesus the Anointed returns and is completely revealed to you.”

Praise God for all He has done and is doing.

Colossians 4:2 “Pray, and keep praying. Be alert and thankful when you pray”.

Pardon – Ask forgiveness AND forgive others.

People – If we say “I’ll pray for you,” we need to say that prayer.

1 Timothy 2:1 “So, first and foremost, I urge God’s people to pray. They should make their requests, petitions, and thanksgivings on behalf of all humanity.”

Persistence – You may have prayed on it for years, that’s okay. God is listening.

Luke 18:1 “He told them a parable, urging them to keep praying and never grow discouraged.”

Patient – Trust God’s perfect timing.

Psalm 27:13-14 “Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Ponder – Listen for his response.

Possible – He will change the circumstances or He will change us, simply pray, “Your will be done.”

Mark 10:27 ”For human beings, it is impossible, but not for God: God makes everything possible.”

Let’s Pray, “Lord we come before you, our hearts bowed to you. You are whom we give all honor and praise. Lord as we focus our Wednesday Nights in prayer we ask that you help us turn our prayers from being a lifeline to making them our lifestyle. When we find our minds wondering Lord bring us back to you. Help us know Your Word so that we can claim it through prayer. Open our eyes to who we are in you and help us see the areas in our lives we need to address. Lord, we ask all of this in your name. Amen”

Please share in the comments below how you incarcerate prayer into your life.

I look forward to taking this journey with on moving from using prayer as a lifeline and turning it into a lifestyle.



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