March 1999 seems like so long ago. I was a soon to be an 18 year old traveling overseas for the first time. I admit originally I did not want to go but my mother insisted saying this maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity. We spent about 24 hours in London then a Boeing 777 carried us to Tel Aviv. I am sure that my parents and others in the group knew the risk but in my naivety, I did not realize we were trusting our guide Susan, and driver Dubi to keep us safe. You see even then our itinerary had to be flexible because there were some places we could not visit because of gunfire and bombings. We spent our last days there in Jerusalem and on March 18 I turned 18. Even then I had not fully grasped how special that was.

There were so many wonderful highlights from that trip, that it is hard to pick a favorite place. But yesterday as Stephen and I were talking my memories carried me to the Kibbutz where we sat as a family of believers sharing a meal. I remember it as a peaceful setting and I think of the families that worked and lived together there.

Learning about the events unfolding right now in Israel has my heart aching.  Kibbutz Kfar Aza, a community of about 700, was the site of a massacre where families were slaughtered. Children and babies who will not have the chance to see 18.

As we were talking Shawn came in and asked a couple of questions. I want to protect him (and our daughter) from the world, from the hate, from the ungodliness. Yet I do not want them to be as naive as I was about the pains of the world outside of our Midwest town. He asked what he could do and we said pray. Pray for these people.

Dear Lord,

We pray for the people of Israel that they can heal and live without fear. Lord, we ask for protection for them and that the violence will end. May they find peace and justice as they rebuild from these attacks.

We pray for their military as they defend. We pray for those who are volunteering from around the world to STAND WITH ISREAL, may they be protected.

We pray for their leadership specifically President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin that they have supernatural wisdom to know what to do and that they have a hedge of protection around them and their families. May they have wisdom to know who to trust and may they have allies that stand with them and provide aid in whatever means is needed.

We pray for our leaders as they make decisions on how to help, that they do so with no strings attached to other conflicts and interests. Regardless of their political ideals, they celebrate life and kindness over death and hatred.  

We pray Lord that the evil ideologies be exposed and the Truth break their hard hearts. Ultimately we pray for a generation that has an authentic relationship with You, that walks in faith, courage, and conviction to hold on to what is right.




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