October: Seasons
Hosea 6:3

Welcome back to Rooted Simply. Today I am sharing my journaling prompt for October. I got out of the habit of sharing these prompts but after a couple of drama-filled months, I felt it would be helpful to spend some time journaling again. Moving forward each month (August through December) I will share the word prompt and a few themed questions.

For October our word prompt is SEASONS and the scripture is Hosea 6:3.

Here are three Bible translations for Hosea 6:3.

The Voice

“So let’s know Him; let’s strive to know the Eternal. As surely as the sun rises, He’ll come out from His lair. As surely as the rains come each year—  those spring rains that drench the earth—He’ll come back to us.”

International Standard Version

“Let us know, let us pursue knowledge of the Lord; his coming is as certain as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the autumn and spring rains come on the earth.”

New International Version

“Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises,  he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains,  like the spring rains that water the earth.”

My Take:

I will be honest here and say that I was unsure how the word prompt Seasons and the scripture from Hosea would come together for me. I tend to be very literal and the scripture in most translations talks of spring rains and while it has been raining this week, it is FALL out. So I was taken with the International Standard Version because it referenced Autumn.

This verse begins, “So let US know … Let US pursue knowledge of the Lord” TWO times we have this emphasis on “us”; “let us”. This is not just one person saying, “I am going to seek the Lord.” No, it is a GROUP of people, who are encouraging each other, by saying to each other, “Let US seek the Lord!”

We are in a season of change as we are seeking the path the Lord wants us to take which includes finding a new church or possibly becoming a part of a church plant. There is a lot of facts and emotion that has led us to this season but we are pressing on to “know the Lord” and seeking His will.

There is strength to be found in encouraging each other in godliness. And we are finding that encouragement through family and listening to the Word because sadly the “church family” we thought we were a part of has not been that resource. This season has us seeking a church family where we can find that encouragement. You see God wants for us to encourage each other as we “pursue” or “press on” to know Him. The words “Let US” remind us that there can be power in our relationships with others in the church.

These relationships are not supposed to be superficial but are to be deep and meaningful with the specific goal of pursuing the Lord. This is ultimately the goal of every person God created; to know and fellowship with Him.

Even I need this reminder not to get distracted by other things but to press on to know Him. Especially in a season of healing. My heart is to know Him more and more each day. This requires an effort on my part because you see I need to be sure that in my hurt I do not allow my heart to be hardened. We see in Judges that even weary, Gideon continued pursuing. Weariness can be from so many factors but if I wake every morning with the attitude of pursuing God my efforts will not be in vain.

Hosea did not just offer us a challenge, He reminded us of God’s promise of success. As II Chronicles 7:14 says” If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways — then I WILL hear from heaven; I WILL forgive their sin; I WILL heal their land.” And that is the promise; regardless of the season you are in, if you seek Him you will find Him.

Questions for October:

Does the weather trigger any good memories for you?

Does your family have any fall traditions?

What is it about fall that speaks to you?

How would you describe your current season of life?

Now I challenge you to grab your favorite pen, (Mine right now are the Paper Mate Ink Joy gels) a journal, or notebook, and let’s start journaling.



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