We are just a few hours from sitting down to our Thanksgiving meal I want to take a look at Luke 17. It is in this passage we see Jesus healing 10 leapers. He instructs them to go to the priest and as they went away they were cleansed of the white patches and soars on their skin. It was these soars that required them to stand a distance from anyone they came into contact with. Verse 15 states that “when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. In an attitude of thanks, he fell at Jesus’ feet. As the story moves forward we see that of the 10 he was the only one who came back.

In this story, the lives of the 9 demonstrate how easy it is for us to receive the blessing of God without stopping and offering thanks. However, just like prayer should be a lifestyle so should thankfulness. Thankfulness should not be an occasional event, but it should be intentional and spontaneous appreciation. When we are intentional with our thanks it will lead us into the presence of God.   

1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances” even when we experience trials, we can give thanks for God’s presence, understanding, and comfort. To do this we need to build a spiritual practice of gratitude. Psalm 9:1 says “ “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds”. It was in this vain that the leper returned to Jesus.

As we gather tomorrow let’s continue to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer by growing hearts full of thankfulness for God’s goodness, provision, and presence.

Simply ~ Jess

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