Before I jump into Week 4 of this advent series I want to say thank you to Stephen for keeping this all up and running. I am no help when it comes to TECH stuff and this last week he has carried the burden of getting multiple issues under control. I do appreciate all he does!

Week 4 – Prince of Peace

Isaiah shared two visions he had about a child who would come and bring about foundation hope for not only Judah but for the world. For advent this year we are looking at Isaiah 9:6.

In week one we acknowledged that He will CARE for, bring HOPE, be a

source of JOY, and a “Wonderful Counselor” to all mankind. In week 2 we see Him as a “Mighty God” and in the third week of advent, Isaiah called him Everlasting Father. Today this fourth Sunday of Advent we encounter the Prince of Peace.

Peace is one of those words that has many different uses. For my 12 year old it is her way of telling me she is going into her room. She also offers the peace sign when she is having a good time. I first noticed her doing this when she was taking selfies. Then at one of her BFF’s birthday parties, I caught this gem of a pic.

I asked her about it once to see if she even knew what it was. She said it was a feeling. Isaiah also knew that peace was not simply a state of no physical war. Peace had to do with both a physical sense of safety and a spiritual sense of wholeness. A feeling and Israel needed to know that all this peace was coming.

To my 12 year old peace is a calm, restful, stillness that is harmonious and offers law and order. These are all things that describe the Prince of Peace. It is this peace we seek.  Isaiah understood that all people seek to find this peace. We try all different ways to achieve peace on our own. It is when we realize that this child, the Prince of Peace, offers peace to the world and to you and me.

You see this peace “surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7) It is also a gift and a fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Gal 5:22) Because of our sin we are in conflict with God.  The Prince of Peace comes in peace to establish peace.

He offers no reason not to trust Him. We long for peace in every area of our lives; relationships, employment, in our hearts. Jesus assures us that whatever the season we are in, He will always point us towards peace.

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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